Category Archives: Uncategorized

Kiosk Staircase..

This photograph was taken in January of 2014, at a store called Kiosk, in Soho, New York. These stairs are the entrance to the store. The studium would be the steps itself, the graffiti, and the lighting. The dominant impression … Continue reading

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This picture was taken in the Summer of 2013, at a community playground on Bethune Street and West Street, in Manhattan. The studium would be the three dalmatians, a white wall, and the concrete. What i like about this photo … Continue reading

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New York Harbor View

  I took this photo with my camera on August 31, 2013 while riding  ferry from Manhattan to Staten Island. It was a  hot and humid evening of the last day of summer, but still it was a beautiful day. … Continue reading

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Dorm View

This photograph was taken March 21st out of a dorm room window at EHS student housing on 55 Clark street. The view is from the seventh floor and projects down Clark street facing east. This photograph was taken around 9:00 … Continue reading

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statue of John Harvard

I took this photograph in 2011 while i was visiting Harvard university in Boston. I choose to post this image because i just remember how i felt after observing the statue of john Harvard. I noticed every single details of … Continue reading

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Snow on a tree

I took this photograph on January 2014 . On a winter morning i woke up from sleep and i walk down to my living room to check if its still snowing outside . While i moved my window curtain i … Continue reading

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Older building that has fire escapes and many tenants

  I took this photo in Brooklyn, this building is an older model of what is seen in new building complexes of today. This building has fire escapes, and a elevator in comparison to the houses that neighbor it. This … Continue reading

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Downtown’s Clock Tower

Downtown’s Clock Tower, March 19, 2014, Joinel Sanchez I took this photo from the window of my sister’s room, in the seventh floor of the apartment building in which I live in. The studium shows a building known as the … Continue reading

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Math problems

This photo was taken while i was doing a math problem in my calculus class. This is a photo of my bench where my pen, calculator and my notebook is on. The frame of the picture shows my notebook pen … Continue reading

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My View

This picture was taken on March 15, 2014. I was at my apartment in East Harlem on the 5th floor. The studium in this picture consists of many things is why I personally liked it a lot. In this picture … Continue reading

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