Monster Minds – Scavenger Hunt


Courts – a new building and an old building Judging Books by Their Covers



Theater,  Bringing Culture to the Physicists


A Method of Transportation Always Trying to Escape


A Place to Think, Water  Any Questions?


A View Out of a Window From Caltech to City Tech

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3 Responses to Monster Minds – Scavenger Hunt

  1. Feynman!!!! Such a great way to incorporate Feynman into our scavenger hunt, very creative. I like “Always trying to Escape”

  2. The position of old (1890) and new (Cesar Pelli Architects 2002) buildings, a quintessential Brooklyn vista, I cannot help but enjoy that.

  3. The position of old (1890) and new (Cesar Pelli Architects 2002) buildings, a quintessential Brooklyn vista, I cannot help but enjoy that.

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