Semester Grades are now available

Hi everyone,

Semester Grades have been submitted to CUNYFirst (they should be available shortly). You can find more detail, including your score in each of the grading categories (WeBWorK, OpenLab, Exams, Quizzes, Final Exam, Overall) on the OpenLab GradeBook.

REMEMBER: Grading this semester is unusual, in the sense that you can CHOOSE whether to receive a letter grade, or convert it to CR/NC. More details can be found in my previous post on the subject, here:

For a comparison of ALL the grading options this semester, including W (withdrawal), I (incomplete) and CR/NC (credit/no credit), see this handy chart provided by the Mathematics Department.

Don’t hesitate to send me an email or leave a comment if you have any questions.

I want to thank you all for sticking it out through this unusual semester. I hope to see some of you in person on campus again, one day!

Be well,
Prof. Reitz

Exam 2 Grades are posted

Hi everyone,

I’ve finished grading exam 2. This is our first “distance” exam, so I request your patience in navigating various technological hurdles – please read the following important messages before you check your grade!

  • This exam consisted of 6 problems, each worth 17 points (that means a perfect score would earn you a grade of 102 – a little bonus).
  • You can view your grade here on the OpenLab under Dashboard/OpenLab GradeBook (or look for the Gradebook widget on the right side of the screen)
  • In the gradebook you should see a little blue “comment” bubble next to your grade – this contains a link to your graded exam paper (pdf).
  • If your name does not appear in the OpenLab Gradebook, you need to register for the OpenLab and join the course! (then let me know, and I will add your grade information)
  • If you took the exam but did not receive a grade, please send me an email and we will track down the problem.

All the best,
Prof. Reitz