This course is MAT 2680, Differential Equations, taking place in the Spring 2017 semester with Professor Reitz.  We will be using this website in a variety of ways this semester – as a central location for information about the course (assignments, review sheets, policies, and so on), a place to ask and answer questions, to post examples of our work, and to talk about  mathematics, physics, reality and so on.

Getting Started

Anyone on the internet can look around the site and see what we are doing, and even leave a comment on one of the pages.  However, only registered users can create new posts and participate in the discussion boards.

How do I register?

You will need to do two things:

  1. If you have not used the OpenLab before, you must first create an account.  You will need access to your citytech email address  for this.  Detailed instructions for signing up on the OpenLab can be found here.
  2. Once you have created an account on the OpenLab, log in and then join this particular course, 2017 Spring – MAT 2680 Differential Equations – Reitz.  To do this, first click the “Course Profile” link at the top left of this page (just above the picture).  Then click the “Join Now” button, which should appear just underneath the square picture of a peaceful natural scene.

Problems with the OpenLab or with your CityTech email:

Please let me know if you run into any problems registering or joining our course (send me an email,  I also wanted to give you two resources to help out in the process:

1.  For problems with your citytech email account, contact the Student Helpdesk, either in person, by phone, or by email:

Student Helpdesk

Atrium 114
Monday – Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

2. For problems registering for the OpenLab, contact the OpenLab admin team, either by email at, or by following this link.