UPDATE 5/17/14: Corrected ALL answers to problem #17 (numerical methods).
Posted on the “Exam Reviews” page. As always, let me know if you find errors or have questions.
Prof. Reitz
UPDATE 5/17/14: Corrected ALL answers to problem #17 (numerical methods).
Posted on the “Exam Reviews” page. As always, let me know if you find errors or have questions.
Prof. Reitz
Posted in Resources
UPDATE 5/10/2014: Correction to answer #3 — it should be “-” not “+”. (This also affects the value y(1.2)).
UPDATE 5/8/2014: Runge-Kutta data & formulas have been added.
UPDATE 5/6/2014, 1:20pm: Correction to answer #4d —
It can be found on the “Exam Reviews” page.
NOTE: some of the information about the Runge-Kutta method is missing – this will be added within the next few days.
Best of luck,
Prof. Reitz
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Posted in Resources
Hi everyone,
There is an error in Assignment 9, problem 4, parts (e) and (g) – several students have reported entering the correct answer (which I have confirmed), but WeBWorK rejects it.
Even more strange, part f is graded correctly, even though it includes the answer that was rejected in part e.
I am following up with our WeBWorK administrator on this problem. For now, please complete all parts of the problem except (e) and (g).
Sincere apologies for any mental or emotional harm this may have caused.
Prof. Reitz
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NOTE: Problem #11 was updated on 3/24/14.
You can view it by clicking here. Note: the answer key will be completed this week.
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Or: What to do when everything cancels out, and I’m left with nothing….
I wanted to address a problem that shows up when solving nonhomogeneous equations. Consider this problem, similar to those in WeBWorK 9:
A good first guess for a solution would be: . However, there is a problem with this – when you try to find the constant
, everything cancels out on the left side and you end up with something like:
Why is this? It’s exactly because your guess, , happens to be a solution to the homogeneous equation:
When this occurs, you need to adjust your guess – we do that by multiplying by , so a correct guess in this case should be:
If this guess also fails to work (as might happen in the case of a repeated root for the homogeneous equation), multiply by again:
Let me know if you have any questions,
Prof. Reitz
Posted in Resources
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to send a few comments about WeBWorK assignment 5b. The problem consists of three parts – in the first part, we use Euler’s method to generate a sequence of approximate values of y for various values of t (in my version of the problem it’s t=0, t=0.2, t=0.4, t=0.6, t=0.8, and t=1). Of course, these values are not exactly correct – they are approximations.
In parts b and c of the problem, we compare the approximate values with the actual values – this will give you some idea of how effective Euler’s method is. In part b, we find the actual solution to the differential equation (using the techniques from Exam #1). In part c, we compare (for various values of t), the actual value, given by the solution we found in part b, and the approximate value found in part a. To compare, we subtract the approximate value from the actual value (and then take the absolute value, since we don’t care about positive or negative, we only care about how far apart they are).
One more comment about notation: the symbol y with a dot over it means the same thing as y’, or dy/dt – that is, it means the derivative of y. This is fairly common notation, but we have not previously run into it this semester.
I hope this helps clear up confusion about parts b and c – let me know if you have questions.
Prof. Reitz
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Hi everyone,
I’ll post updates & corrections to the review sheet here – check back often for the latest.
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Shortcuts are dangerous things – they may save you time, but they usually don’t help you understand the problem. Because of this, it’s usually important to have a thorough grasp of the basic idea of how to solve a problem before learning the shortcut. Since you’ve had a week or so wrestle with the “Integrating Factors” problem, I wanted to share a standard shortcut (covered in the text, but not yet discussed in class) for solving these problems, which condenses much of the algebra into two formulas. You are welcome to use it, or not, as you prefer.
Step 1: Rewrite the differential equation in the standard form:
In practice, this usually just means getting the and
on the same side, and dividing to get rid of anything in front of the
Step 2: Find , by plugging in:
That is, integrate the function in front of , and then raise
to the power of the result. This gives
Step 3: Find , by plugging in:
That is, multiply by the function
from the right hand side of the differential equation, integrate, and multiply the result by $\frac{1}{\mu}$.
NOTE: The standard form mentioned in Step 1 shows up a lot – in fact, even if you are not using the shortcut formulas above, it is considered “pretty standard” to rewrite your equation in standard form before solving the problem.
Happy shortcutting,
-Prof Reitz
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The Math Department provides free tutoring by Math Specialists four days a week. They are (in the words of my colleague) “experts at Differential Equations”. This is a fantastic resource. I’ll paste the schedule below – see the attached flyer for more details.
FRIDAYS 10:00AM-4:00 PM IN N723
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