Author Archives: Abraham

Abraham De La Rosa’s Culture Jams – Final Draft

Culture Jams Final Draft

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Nov 30th Asynchronous Work

One thing which stood out in the Wanono reading is how detournement and remix have already been detourned from their original purpose by the advertising industry and newspaper business to be an effective commercial technic. A tool which was originally … Continue reading

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Light Bulb Presentation

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Culture Jams Project – Second Draft

Culture Jams Project Second Draft

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Culture Jams Draft

Culture Jams Draft

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Blog Post #10

The first idea I had for the culture jams project is about the discrimination the LGBTQ face and the various bills which have been proposed to take away their rights. Over the course of this year, over 500 bills have … Continue reading

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Blog Post #9

The section I want to talk about in “Technological Warfare” is the part where deLeon is describing deLeon wonders if he will see his friends again and if they will be alive or dead. He goes into great detail about … Continue reading

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Blog Post #8

In Turkle’s “Video Games and Computer Holding Power,” one thing Turkle brought up that interested me was this idea of an altered state when playing games. Turkle states that when people play a video game and enter the world created … Continue reading

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Blog Post #7

My question for this class is “if you could change the education system, how would you try to implement the contact zone to combat misinformation as seen in Haunani-Kay Trask’s story?” The reason why I am asking this question is … Continue reading

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Blog Post #6

In “The Electronic Book,” I was fascinated by the author’s explanation of how a book should establish some sort of identity and how it should define its role in a library. (Page 79) Bolter states, “Each book must be different … Continue reading

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Tech and Media Exploratory Project – Final Draft

Tech and Media Exploratory Project Final Draft

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Revision Plan – 10/5/23

I am planning to structure my intro in a way where there is more focus on the direction it will go. I will try to talk more about McLuhan in my intro and I will need to think of a … Continue reading

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Blog Post #5

Tech Exploratory Project I think this project was challenging in finding research for my project. It was difficult to find expert sources talking about the technology I chose and discussing topics which were relevant to the project. It was easier … Continue reading

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In Class Work – 9/28

One idea I would like to use from McLuhan is the idea of medium being the message. With the way we use technologies in our everyday lives, I want to explore what these pieces of technology were an extension of … Continue reading

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Blog Post #4

McLuhan Image I would like to research some of the more mundane technology which has impacted our lives, such as the lightbulb, indoor plumbing, and pens. I would like to see the difference from the eras before and how these … Continue reading

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Blog Post #3

Tech Lit Narrative McLuhan Drawing

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Blog Post #2

Part 1: It seems McLuhan was an eccentric man. I remember hearing that most smart people are eccentric, so it makes sense. I am curious on his thought process and how he seems to be able to see ahead of … Continue reading

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Blog Post #1

“Five Ideas to Know about Technological Change” by Neil Postman cautions the reader that the advance of technology can be dangerous and has been proven to be detrimental in some cases. Neil Postman states there are five ideas to keep … Continue reading

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