Author Archives: Nino

Culture Jam Final


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Nov. 30th asynchronous work

What stood out to me in the Wanano story was the word detournement, it is a French word used to describe the practice of old media to new. The theory relates to remix culture. In the reading it provides a … Continue reading

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blog #11 draft

culture jam draft

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Blog post #9

In Leslie Marmon Silko’s book Border Patrol, the book follows two main characters Irene and Robert, as they struggle to find their own cultural identity in weird timing. The author explorations of identity goes much deeper, as she looks into … Continue reading

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Blog post #8

In the book, Video Games and Holding Power, by Sherry Turkle she discusses the importance of understanding how technology has changed the way we interact with each other and how this affects our sense of identity. She says that technology … Continue reading

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Blog post #6 & #7

blog post #6 & #7

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B5 Exploratory

Tech exploratary paper

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In class work 9/28

Three ideas I have are to definitely include the Four Laws of Media. I think that has a big role in my project, we are constantly talking about in class so it would make sense to include it. Also maybe … Continue reading

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Blog #4

I would love to explore/ show interest in Apple, Robots, and Bluetooth. I choose these because I always am wondering about our future and what life will be like. For example the Apple vision pro is coming out, how is … Continue reading

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Blog post 3

blog post #3

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Blog post 2

This photo was on page 28. This article was interesting and has a lot of great points throughout the storyline. The main point was him saying the medium is the message. McLuhan redefines the “message” of a medium at any … Continue reading

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Blog Post 1

One of the five major points of Postman’s article is that we always have to pay a price for technology for example when the iPhone first came out it was $499 now the newest model which is the iPhone 14 … Continue reading

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