How Electracy Shaped Bobby Shmurda’s Career

In my English, technical writing class, I have learned and read a lot about electracy. Electracy is what the world is coming towards, everything being revolved around the Internet. The world is moving from a world of literacy to a world of electracy. Electracy has changed our lives by the way we think, write and respond to situations. The Internet is a host for a lot of things, good and bad. Electracy is participating on the Internet and all around us. Bobby Shmurda aka Ackquille Jean Pollard is just a regular American rapper from the projects in Brooklyn who made a video to one of his rap songs “Hot Nigga” that exploded the summer of 2014. The power electracy has, Bobby Shmurda was able to become as famous as he is today through, spreadability, entertainment, play and trace.


When the “Shmoney Dance” came out, it has blown up on Vine, and Twitter. On YouTube it has more than 92 million views. Viewers thought this meme was interesting that made them repurpose it into their own meme while participating in it causing this meme to become spreadable. Spreadability is the ability for online participants to share, comment and like something causing it to be shared globally all over the world. Viewers made up their own version of the dance, uploading it to various websites mimicking the “Shmoney dance.” It became viral that even celebrities started making their own videos and uploading them creating more views of the shmoney dance. This builded Bobby Shmurda’s name making him become more famous. This spreadability was 100% successful in electracy, which means the Internet was used to promote participating and sharing of this meme.


Entertainment is all over the Internet. It is not only videos but also photos, & comments as well. Entertainment and play goes hand in hand with the shmoney dance. In electracy, on the Internet, memes are apart of entertainment for the viewers and play is apart of the entertainment. In Bobby Shmurda’s video, the play or movie video aspect is apart of its entertainment. In the video, he plays as if he is shooting a gun; smoking marijuana; has a cup in his hand as if he was drinking alcohol and also he plays around with his shmoney dance making it entertaining for viewers. Also he used the hood as his location for the video including many friends from the area. His video received over 92 million views on YouTube because of the entertainment & play Bobby Shmurda performed on his video.


Each and every link shared, liked or commented on makes up Bobby Shmurda’s Identity. There is always a trace on the Internet of every individual. The Internet always leaves a possibility for traces every time you launch another site or even post a blog, comment or like a picture. Everyone’s traces on the Internet of Bobby Shmurda made up his identity. This links together with the attraction display in electracy. If it attracts the audience it would be shared. He is successful in creating an identity for himself by the help of others sharing and repurposing his video that was shared virally around the world. His video attracted many viewers. Many people did agree that his video took off because of the “hood” aspect of the video and his signature shmoney dance. The hood aspect of the video, relates to many people with Bobby Shmurda, smoking, drinking, and using gunplay. The Shmoney dance he does, is simply moving your legs right to left with your own twist to it. This attraction display in the video, promoted itself, and was repurposed by everyone who participated in sharing his music. They left a trace of him and, those traces makes Bobby Shmurda who he is today.

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5 Responses to How Electracy Shaped Bobby Shmurda’s Career

  1. Pamela says:

    Hi Marissa,

    Although your video is really funny, maybe you could have separated your video from the original so you would have two separated videos and as it is also not clear what the message of your video is. Also I am not sure if you are saying that smoking, drinking, and using gunplay is unethical. If you are and you don’t agree with Bobby’s video, then that could be made clearer.

  2. MariahRajah says:

    Shmoney Marissa,

    Your video is hilarious and I enjoyed watching it again at home. If there is one thing I suggest you add is example of comments that have made Bobby Shmurda who he is today. You say all the comments have made him who he is today but we do not have any examples of that. Maybe find a video like yours that does the same, that could show us how people are helping his name spread whether negatively or positively.

  3. Spencer says:

    Hey Marissa

    That’s such a great video. And bravo to you for making it and posting it! It really adds the perfect element to your project. If I could suggest adding anything, it would be your personal take on Bobby and his fame. Are you a fan or a critic? Have you only listened to him on the radio? Or do you have his songs downloaded on your phone? Knowing that part, maybe towards the end, would add a nice roundness to your project.

  4. jstephenson says:

    Hi Marrisa, really awesome project and this video is unprecedented! If there is one thing I can suggest is to explain in the first sentence what is electracy is and maybe what it means to be “electrate”. Also, explain spreadability, entertainment, play and trace? To an unsuspecting reader they may not be familiar with those words. Another suggestion would be to pay attention to the type of language you use, normally you should write it is N*gga and double check the verbs used.

  5. Good comments, all. Marissa, listen to what your colleagues are saying!

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