Culture Jam Draft 1

Culture Jam

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2 Responses to Culture Jam Draft 1

  1. I enjoyed both of your images and also enjoyed both ideas as they were unique and different. Both images are also something we can all relate to which is crucially important. Something to add can be other effects as individuals who read it can grasp the idea quicker especially with the second image.

  2. Hi Kaila,

    I appreciate the thought you’ve put into these projects.

    Concerning the first one, you wrote quite a bit to describe what your thought process is and I appreciate that. I have to say that mixing the two campaigns sends a mixed message and can be confusing as to what is actually happening. Is it pro DARE and anti Truth? or a critique against DARE? AND if we should “dare to tell the truth,” then what is the truth and where are the lies? What is the actual message? I think this is a good start. I look forward to seeing how it takes shape.

    2nd image: Question, is the woman, by design, supposed to be in a nun’s habit? The dude also looks like somebody standing outside a club, as you mention. I wonder about the comparison between a medical facility and a club. I wonder if choosing a different sort of gatekeeper would be more helpful, like perhaps a guard standing in front of a gate at a mental facility. Anyway, you have good ideas. I’m looking forward to watching these take shape.

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