Blog Post #7

My question for this class is “if you could change the education system, how would you try to implement the contact zone to combat misinformation as seen in Haunani-Kay Trask’s story?” The reason why I am asking this question is because I believe people would be able to come up with different methods while pointing out the pros and cons of each method. A part of this challenge might be trying to get people invested in learning certain cultures. I got to thinking about this because I realized how the contact zone and Trask’s solution to the complete misinterpretation were connected and I was thinking about how much people rely on textbooks in the education system. I would like to learn more about what others view as important parts in the learning process and see some innovative solutions to the problem of the west having this imperialistic spirit of demeaning other cultures instead of understanding them.

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One Response to Blog Post #7

  1. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and liked how you also elaborated on the reasoning behind it such as the pros and cons of each method. Learning certain cultures was also a great challenge presented in this blog.

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