For Pratt’s Contact Zone, I have question which is how did the Andes community struggle with Bilingualism? Why I chose this question is because of how the Government tried to stop People from speaking Bilingual. I hope learn about how speaking gets restricted.


For Trask’s From a Native Daughter, I have a question, Why is it that whenever USA gets a new land, they want to erase previous history of that land? Why I chose this question is because we need to have a discussion on why the US keep doing this in our history books. I hope we can discuss this to get an legitimate answer.

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One Response to BLOG POST 7

  1. Abraham says:

    For the first question, I think the Andes community struggled with it because of how people and the government would change the wording of what they said in an attempt to maintain control. They were not able to get the messages they wanted across because of this barrier of sorts.

    For the second question, I think the answer is somewhat connected to the first. It is a matter of them wanting to exert control, and a way for them to do that is erase and diminish a culture and the values the culture has and plant their own culture and values. It makes sure no one disagrees with how they will do things since future generations will hold the same values as them.

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