Culture Jams Draft

Culture Jams Draft

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2 Responses to Culture Jams Draft

  1. Sybil C says:


    Both of your images are clean and well put together. The message in each is clear because you included words in the pieces.

  2. Hi Abraham,

    I like the idea behind both of your images. I did have some trouble understanding the message with both of them, however. Remember, the explanations that you guys are supposed to offer help to explain what you are after, but solid images would need to stand on their own without explanation. So the first one, you talk about BP as massive polluters, but the image you present are two cute car images with the caption “Energol.” I didn’t know what that is and had to look it up. So that’s pretty confusing. Are you making a statement about pollution or about their product Energol. I wonder if an oil-covered penguin might work better. Having said that, Deep Horizon was a long time ago, and I wonder what recent evidence there is that BP isn’t doing anything positive.

    In the second image, you state that being part of the queer community is punishable by death in some countries, but the image doesn’t show that. I wonder if it would be a good idea to shed light on how folks suffer under those kinds of regimes to bring further awareness to the topic.

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