Culture Jams

Culture Jam 1 & 2 (drafts)

Culture Jam 1 & 2 – (revisions)

Culture Jam 1 & 2 (final edit)

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3 Responses to Culture Jams

  1. Hey Sybil,

    I really how in both of the culture jams it is a very current world problem in each of them and political issues. The one about mom of liberty is especially great because they are a bunch of Karens who complain about every little thing such as mask mandates and the LBGTQ+ community existing, so they harass them and call the police on schools teaching and following basic rules.

  2. Sybil, great job portraying both issues that are current events and problems and also how you presented it through an image such as adding different images and more.

  3. Sybil,

    These are two fine beginnings for the start. I’d be curious to see the original Sallie Mae ad. I wonder if you can link out to it. I also wonder about possibly having imagery that depicts some of what you say in the fine print.

    For the second one, I’d consider doing a play on “liberty.” Clearly this is the oppositte of liberty. I wonder why they call themselves by that name. I wonder about possibly going a little deeper into their founding and drawing upon something you find to expose them for who they are.

    This is a really good start.

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