Blog Post #10

The first idea I had for the culture jams project is about the discrimination the LGBTQ face and the various bills which have been proposed to take away their rights. Over the course of this year, over 500 bills have been introduced with the intent on oppressing the LGBTQ community.

The second idea I had was for immigration and some of the problems with the border patrol. The way the border patrol have such hostility towards others as seen in “The Border Patrol State” is concerning and there has been treatment of immigrants which can only be described as cruel.

The final idea I had was about climate change. Various entities in the oil industry, such as BP, have caused a lot of damage to the environment, polluting the air, and they have even violated laws and regulations, all to make a quick buck.

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One Response to Blog Post #10

  1. These are alll good ideas, Abaraham. I look forward to seeing how you develop them.

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