blog post 9

In border patrol by Leslie Silko, she discusses how patrolmen abused the K-9. It was a small female puppy. They were upset that the puppy couldn’t find any drugs on the main character so they keep hold the lease on her head. They then dragged her to the patrol car and the person didn’t know what to do, the officers likely would’ve murdered the pup because they couldn’t find anything on the main character.

The main character had a marijuana pouch with her but it was for medical reasons but the dog on purpose ignored the marijuana. That’s what got the officers mad. The main character felt like the dog was embarrassed to be associated with the officers. It is likely about how they abuse her each night at the border. The main character got that off staring eye to eye with the puppy.

In Technological warfare DeLeon discusses many topic regarding technology such as surveillance and weapon. The main characters go grocery shopping and compare the US and Mexico prices and accessibility. All of the groceries came in total of $26 which isn’t much but people had to scrap by in order to make end meets while working in Mexico. The hourly wage in Mexico was $9 USD an day which is only enough for a pizza. One nice pair of jeans would cost $46 USD in Mexico which is a weekly check.

The average minimum wage in Mexico is worth $4 USD and many of these workers are exploited in terrible working conditions. However if they work near the US-Mexico Border workers make double the average hourly wage due the peso and USD being used interchangeably but it is still not even close to being enough to live off that. Some of them still can’t even near the border due to being deportees or lack legal paper work. They then end up working off the books and getting paid under the table and receiving even lower wages compared to other locals in Mexico as they work in unsafe conditions.  Their labor get exploited even in their home native country of Mexico.

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