In reading “Video Games and Computer Holding Power” I found it to be a reading where I got to learn and also put my thoughts into everything that I learned as well. Video games play a huge role in our society today as children, adults, and even older adults find video games to be therapeutic and even become a hobby for them. On page two it states “By 1982 people spent more money, quarter by quarter, on video games than they spent on movies and records combined. And although the peak of excitement about the games may have passed with their novelty, video games have become part of the cultural landscape.” This quote stood out to me as it speaks on the significant role video games play such as individuals spending more money on video games than movies and records due to the connection presented as it became part of a cultural landscape. Growing up video games held so much value to me more than movies and records due to my connection to them.
In the reading “Haraway Cyborg Manifesto” I found myself both interested in learning more but also confused with certain points made throughout the reading. As we read it in class I got to understand this reading a bit more as it got clearer to me. Her mythology which are identification of identities, gender, and class. The binary connection, for example, good vs evil, and female vs male. The fractured identities were a component in the reading that brought so much information and concepts into why the author thinks how she thinks and why. The idea of being female is constructed by the social practices presented such as historical experiences for example patriarchy, colonialism, and capitalism. Another key component presented in this reading was the category of “woman” and the neglect of other than white women. In this section she went in depth with the differences among US women of color.