4 & 5

Sound, language, and technology share a common connection. Each has its unique way of conveying and emitting certain messages. Throughout the post, I will define the ways they are connected.  

According to the article, “The souls of Black folk”, sound and music were used during the period of slavery to send out messages of injustice and racism. In the article, the author stated, “They are the music of an unhappy people, of the children of disappointment; they tell of death and suffering and unvoiced longing towards a truer world, of misty wanderings and hidden ways”. (p.256). This reveals that sorrowful songs sent out messages of injustice the black folks were experiencing, which is associated with language. The black folks used language and technology to send out the message of their suffering. 

The usage of technology allows us to send out messages, and share our talents with the world. Similarly, we use technology to stimulate particular music and its importance in the musical industry. For example, Thomas expressed in his article “Histories of modernism have long recognized the importance of technology as inspiration to the artists who are credited with creating the new culture. But these histories have too seldom engaged with technology as intensely as did those artists”. So, Thomas conveys the message that technology has its importance in music. Many artists have engaged with technology to create their tunes greatly. Therefore, sound, language, and technology are all connected. It is impossible to create new music and emit a message without the usage of technology and language. A song wouldn’t be a song with lyrics. There would be no message or meaning behind it without language usage. We can also publicize the message with the assistance of technology. 

 Language is another significant factor connected to sounds, music, and technology. Throughout the article The Future of Language, Williams conveys we embody our previous sayings and words into our reality. And it can happen with the subsidy of sound and lyrics which are words. “Language usage reflects consciousness, thus, the future of language is co-related to the ever-evolving state of human awareness. As we become more aware of our existing reality it becomes clear that we live with the power to dictate our given situations and thus the power to determine our future. Our present reality is dictated by what we asked for previously”. “If Biggie’s album had not been entitled Ready to Die would he still be alive today? Did his vocalized profession dictate his destination?”. Williams fundamentally says throughout the article that we manifest our reality with the languages we use regularly, for example, we can manifest our future reality with music and lyrics we constantly intake. Therefore, It is crucial to be mindful of the language we use daily and the music we are embracing. I also acknowledge that music and language are connected to technology. For example, various styles of the genre are being produced with the assistance of technology and also being published through technological media.

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2 Responses to 4 & 5

  1. I’m having trouble following what you are saying here beyond saying the they are all connected.

    • Elijaruhith says:

      Hello, Thank you for your feedback. I am trying to say they are all connected and it is impossible for them to work without the help of one another. For example, I have given an example of a quote regarding music. So I am basically saying it is impossible to produce a song without the help of technology and language. Hence, we need lyrics and sound for a song. So, language is lyrics since it’s oral, and equipment for sound is the technology, and we need technology to publicize certain content or music. Please let me know if I am missing anything I would like to improve and learn. Thank you.

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