From these readings I got that they all connected to culture, and how our culture shape the person that we become, and as we develop a scene of self.
Haunani-Kay Trask became a part of the culture there because of what she learned from her surroundings. Weather it was from speaking to her parents, friends, etc…, or reading books/studying. In ” Orality and Literacy: From The Savage Mind to Ways With Words” it stated Primitive cultures use events from the natural world, ordered in myths and totem systems, for instance, to create structures by means of which they can think about and explain the world of experience. For example, in a “pure totemic structure” (p. 115), a certain clan associated with a particular species, such as the bear, may be viewed to differ from another clan associated with a different species, such as the eagle, as the bear differs from the eagle in the natural world, thus creating a type of homology between culture and nature. Showing how owner own culture can be shaped by our own experience. although we may classify a group of people as one culture each induvial is unique because of what they have experience. her experience in being a native Hawaiian is vastly different to someone else who migrated there after living somewhere else.
In “From a Native Daughter” she stated “What better way to take our culture than to remake our image?” showing that our culture changes as the people begin to change. What would have been seen as nonsense in the past will now be the norm as we begin to adapt and teach it to others. Eventually our own children will take our own culture and change it to add or remove new things. Letting our culture grow and change as the time change as well. As we do this the culture Gets a foundation, things that many people all agree on and stays.
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