Author Archives: KharaI

Khara Inot

According to Farrell (2022), The prices of Menu’s across the country are increasing. This article focuses on one restaurant in particular called “Good Food” in Charlotte, N.C. The author explains that due to inflation as well as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine restaurant businesses are left with no choice but to rack up menu prices as well as seek out different, more affordable alternatives in selling their dishes. Cooking oil costs for instance, have risen up majorly due to Russia and Ukraine being most of the worlds sunflower oil providers. Not only are menus being affected, but so are other components in the whole restaurant business, from utilities, dinnerware, equipment and maintenance, drinks, as well as labor costs. All these various departments have been growing in expenses because a lot of the products and necessities needed to run the restaurant are all exported, which ends up taking a toll on the entire businesses funds.

After reading the article I have come to understand the importance of every single part in a business because everything connects and creates a chain reaction on how well the business does. Whether it’s big or small it’s crucial to pay attention to all the components in the restaurant as well as become aware of how you outsource the products you buy and it’s origin.