Greenmarket Blog by Daniel Jung

Greenmarkets mainly exist to support farmers and preserve farmland by providing farmers with the privilege to sell their produce at markets throughout New York. The green market I visited was the Flushing Greenmarket and I do not really visit green markets that often, but when I did, I witnessed so many distinct colors that I did not expect to see. Some produces currently in season that I enjoy eating are persimmons, Asian pears, oranges, and pineapples. Surprisingly, there were many variants of fruits that I have never seen before when I visited the green market. There were many different variants of pear and apple that I have never seen before. There were some products that had higher prices than those in grocery stores. An example of a product that had a higher price in my grocery store was a banana. The bananas at my greenmarket would cost 76 cents for a pound while at my closet grocery store, they would cost $1.29 for a pound.  

Recently, I have enjoyed eating persimmons. I enjoy eating my persimmons when they are soft and have more liquid in them. Persimmons are a fruit that can be light-yellow to red orange. They can look like an orange tomato and when ripe they have an orange jelly-like texture. People mainly use persimmons for jams, pies, puddings, and jellies. Persimmons come from China, Northeast India, and Northern Indochina. Persimmons are a type of berries that provide vitamins A, C, and manganese, which helps the blood clot. 

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