Fall 2021

Author: Caroline Chamberlin Hellman (Page 7 of 8)

How to Post HW

Hi Everyone,

  1. To comment on any post, click on the title/heading. Scroll down and you will then see a screen come up with LEAVE A REPLY below the post. That is where you want to comment.  Please number your responses according to the numbers in the assignment (1, 2, 3, etc…)

2. Main tip: regularly check our course site. Each Monday I will post our new weekly assignment and you will have the week to complete it.

You can reply below if you have any questions.

Weeks 2 and 3: Reading, Writing, Learning, and Life (Due 9/10)

We kick off Unit 1, Education, by reflecting on online vs. in-person educational experience, and thinking about both the ideas in a text and the writing techniques the author employs.

Class discussion: LAF 2021 Welcome video; Diana Diaz, “Overnight Pandemic” (2020) in City Tech Writer;  ; Toni Morrison, “The Reader as Artist” (2006); Class Google Doc Annotation of Morrison’s text


  • Read and apply reading strategies to Mike Bunn, “How to Read Like a Writer” pages 1-6 (2011); bring notes to class to discuss
  • Save to your computer folder for this class and review  Reading Strategies and How to Write A Summary Powerpoint
  • Apply Reading Strategies to Caroline Hellman’s “In Defense of the Classroom” (2020)
  • Reply below this post, numbering your answers. IMPORTANT: go with your own ideas! Avoid reading your classmates’ comments until AFTER you post your own thoughts:
    • 1. Copy and paste a quote (1-2 sentences)  from “In Defense of the Classroom” that you found meaningful. Then paraphrase (put the quote in your own words)  and explain why you were drawn to it, commenting either on the idea or the writing technique.
    • 2. Consulting the Summary Powerpoint slides,  write a complete 3-4 sentence summary of “In Defense of the Classroom” in your own words. Check your finished summary against slide #5 and revise as needed.
    • 3. Respond with your own thoughts about the ideas in my article.   Be creative, be honest! College is about independent thought!

We will discuss your Replies  in class; also be ready to share any unfamiliar words that you looked up and questions that arose for you while reading.

Mauwa Soumahoro

My name is Mauwa Soumahoro but I prefer to be called Mawa Soum, only because most people don’t really know how to pronounce my name. I am a female so I would definitely prefer HER/SHE due to all respect. Furthermore i was born and raised in New York City, literally grew up in the Bronx my whole life. High school was a very complicated road for me overall. I put my all into getting my education, now that I am now a college student I have set standards for myself. My goal is to never give up on myself no matter how difficult or stressful it can’t be. Everyday won’t be a rainy day for you. Eventually the sun will rise which means the more I work hard, in the end it’ll all be worth everything. 
   Moving on, someone very meaningful to me is my parents. The love that I have for them is unconditional and means more than a lot to me. Seeing them struggle together and even motivate one another made me look at family in a different way. Family is something that shouldnt be played with , it should be taken very seriously and also treated with love. When my parents are able to get along and sort out their differences it truly brings the family together and also brings nothing but the best into our home. I am an only child so I do get to have things my way but when I’m wrong then it is normal for me to face the consequences. Although my dad isn’t alive anymore, my mother does work very hard to make sure she can provide for me at all times. She does a great job playing both roles as a parent, so it is only right for me to do everything that I can to be successful. Everything that I do in this world is for both my mom and dad, most importantly it’ll be beneficial for me in the future. 
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