Fall 2021

English 1101Co / Unit 1 Education Narrative / Outline




  1. Caroline Chamberlin Hellman

    Can I ask you to post this as a comment under Week 5? Thanks!

  2. Caroline Chamberlin Hellman

    Hi Brayan,
    I wanted to give you feedback on your outline. You are off to a good start. As a reader, I am wondering if BP 3 is different from the conclusion paragraph. They seem to overlap. Do you feel you have enough content for the essay? I wonder if you might add some material? Were there different, additional things you learned about friendship that you could add?
    You’ll also want to add in the text connection, and transform your topic in the thesis and body paragraphs into *ideas.* In other words, what is the claim you are making, beyond just the topic? See the model outline for an example.

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