Joint Venture (Method of entry)

The joint venture between Timers and Rolex is a great opportunity to grow accustomed to Switzerland customs. Although the business’s main objective is to curate a unique and timeless watch for Rolex consumers, immense involvement and presence are needed in order to to make the best product possible. This will not be easy as a lot of time and resources must be allocated properly to ensure that both parties are on the same page (Sternquist, 1998). Another potential risk is the financial spread of the resources being obtained to create the watch. Being that this venture is not solely domestic to the United States, conversion from the U.S dollar to the Swiss Franc is something to have keen eyes on. The Swiss Franc is stronger than the U.S dollar up to date (McIntyre, 2021). However, with the proper financial advisement and direct interaction with Rolex, the joint venture guarantees seamless entry into a potentially profitable market.