Tag Archives: search engine

Assignment 9B (Google)

Vaidhyanathan argues that,“we trust google with our personal info and preferences and without access to knowledge because we  trust technology that satisfies our prejudices”, I believe this true when it comes to information or basically anything that comes to mind. We depend a lot on google for the answer.Google is a very huge popular search engine that people rely on. I always use google whenever I need an answer to my question. Google is the only search engine that I use. People put their trust in google because it is fast and you are able to find almost anything that you are looking for. Some people put out their personal information and preferences out there because they believe that google is a trusting source of technology.What people love so much about Google is the fact that it is high-speed and they think that they receive information very close to what they are searching for. Google tracks every information about you. Google has access to your photos, and they also can track where you are going from google maps. I trust google for the most part whenever I need a quick answer to my question and whenever I need to look something up. I don’t trust  google with my personal information. You don’t really know if your information is secured.

Google is the most trusted website because of its branding and Google opening statement declares “When you use our services, you trust us with your information.” Yet I do not have total trust in Google or any other site. Mainly because Google has all my personal information and knows my activities. Google’s presence in the digital world has set up a vast framework that has incorporated email, cloud computing, Apps, maps, and docs, that is seems to be accepted globally.Google is the one I used the most and but as much as I want to think that everything is secure, it really isn’t.Google tracks and records my actions. This can often feel like an intrusion of privacy and makes me cautious about my personal documents and pictures. Everyone knows Google and mentions using it therefore this makes me think it’s the most reliable search engine however I do not trust it with my person information . I do prefer Google over other search engines because it is fast and you can find more results.

Assignment 4B

If it wasn’t for classification the world would be a chaotic mess. Classification is very important to us, so important that it naturally occurs in the world. Classification makes us who we are and makes the world a better place to understand. The exact definition of classification is “the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics.” yet other people have different definitions and examples of different kinds of classifications as well. According to Badke classification can be seen in search engines. A bad example of classification he talks about is google. he says it is nothing more than a search engine. Google itself doesn’t understand what you type it just matches the words you type to any random searches on the internet. A good example of classification is the library databases because they use controlled vocabularies and key word searches to understand what you want to find. This is because everything in the library including their search engines are categorized by genre, type , and a specific number.

Dye talks about using two types of classification systems in the database world as well. He talks about taxonomy and folksonomy, He says they both might work for search engines but not really and this is why librarians continue to use the Dewey decimal system. Taxonomy is the branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms; systematics. Yet one of the negative things about using this for database is that it is a top-down system because it rely s heavily on centralized control of the structure and vocabulary. Folksonomy is a user-generated system of classifying and organizing online content into different categories by the use of metadata such as electronic tags. According to dye this is a better searching engine because individuals have their own tags and they can make sense out of their own words and get related topics to their tags.

Wright talks about natural taxonomy in which he observed in the Peruvian rain forest. But what was more impressing was that taxonomy classification is much more natural to us then we thought. Such is seen in the tribal cultures around the world. Classification in indigenous people create high classification system very similar to how plants and animal “families” divide. Wright says that classification is in out genetics. and without thinking we use it everyday.

Overall I think classification is natural in human behavior and no data base can accomplish it like animals, plants, and humans do but we can try to use certain classification systems to try to make searching for information much easier.