A foundation course in typography


Hello everyone, and welcome to the Fall semester of Type & Media,  COMD1167, section D143. This is your class website.  Here you will find loads of resources to help you get through the course. As often as I find interesting materials that will supplement and enhance your learning, I will update this site with them.  You should plan to check in here before and after each class. It is your responsibility to keep up with the information that is posted, and your participation on this site will contribute to the your final grade. So, remember to post and comment when assigned to do so, and as often as possible to keep the discussion going. You contribution will make the site more interesting and worthwhile to everyone.

Let’s get started: In the comments below, share some of the things you are looking forward to in this class?


  1. Justine Lee

    I am excited to learn more about typography and become more familiar with InDesign. I’ve only learned the basics about type and the basics of some of the adobe applications in prior classes. I hope this course will help further my knowledge and help me become a better graphic designer.

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      Justine, by the end of course you should have a very good working knowledge of InDesign.

  2. Heather

    I am interested to learn about what shaped the changes type has made throughout history. Handwritten type and font have always interested me, it will be useful to learn the actual principles and guidelines associated with it.

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      Heather, we won’t have time to cover all the history of fonts, but you should have an understanding of how to use type to express your message.

  3. Sherard Quow

    I would like to learn about InDesign a lot more, how to do typography and maybe do my own type. I also want to learn how to combine type with InDesign to see the designs I could come up with gradually as the semester goes on and beyond this class. This class could help me with building a foundation towards graphic design and give a pathway to my future career in this field.

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      Sherard, by the end of the semester you should have a better understanding of how to use type in graphic design and hopefully InDesign will be easy for you to use in the design process.

  4. carolinahenriquez

    I am looking forward to understanding all the different types of fonts and the history of them. I never thought about fonts having history and coming from different countries but after our first class it was interesting to learn about. I’m also looking forward to knowing the program InDesign because it is something I’ve never used before.

    • Prof. Mary Brown

      We will spend quite a bit of time working with InDesign but not a lot on type history. But, if you’re interested in font history, it is pretty use it look the information. Most of the early fonts were named after their creators.

  5. Melissa_

    Im looking forward to understanding how to express a message within text. I see all this great typography all around and I hope to be able to do the same. Also, how to create an image through text.

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