During Monday’s class we spent time learning about typographic hierarchy—the priority in which the view should read and design . Part of our job as graphic designers is to communicate words in a visual manner. We do that by using the tools and techniques of typography. If the words are all cluttered together with no distinction, it will be difficult for the viewer to no where to start. Therefore, we must determine prioritize and then emphasize what is most important, what has second level priority and what has third level priority. We accomplish this by using contrasting fonts, color, line spacing, alignment and groupings.
Hierarchy is created and supported by your use of:
- typeface(s)
- weight or style (bold, italic, etc)
- type size
- case (U&lc or all caps)
- alignment and line spacing
- color
We viewed several videos to help explain the concept:
Typographic Hierarchy
Typographic Hierarchy: Explained
The Typographic Hierarchy from these videos is can be downloaded to use for studying.
Homework – Due Wednesday 10/19/16
- Finish the Type Book—Typecolor
- Finish the Type Book—Typographic Hierarchy
- Watch the movie Helvetica. Take notes and be prepared for a test on the relevance of the typeface and it’s place in typography history.
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