The unfinished story of Cinderella

“There once was” by Margret Atwood was basically an  unfinished story about Cinderella.  I can see how Atwood’s story can relate to cinderella, but it turns out to be a lot different. As the story begun, I thought there would actually be a story told. When I read the second sentence from the story, I found it very odd because that is when I realized that this was a story with two different speaker, with opposite views. As the first speaker would try and tell the story, the second speaker would interrupt and want to change something. The first speaker would actually fix up the beginning of the story to satisfy the second speaker. I don’t really think that the first speaker actually cared about the details of the story, but you can tell that the second speaker did. It was actually pretty interesting what the second speaker had to say about the story because it made sense. Even though what the second speaker was doing was creating a new story all the things that he pointed out were interesting.

The second speaker would tell the first speaker things like, why the girl had to be poor, or beautiful, or have to poor, when in fact she shouldn’t really be considered poor. I don’t really think that the first speaker was actually interested in what the second person had to say. Unless it was a group effort into writing the story. As the story begun they had a sentence written, but by the end of the story, they only had one word. The second speaker had to be from today because of the way he spoke about peoples appearances and anorexia because people make a bigger deal out of these things today.  By the middle of the story, we learn that the first speaker is telling the story to the second speaker. Although it doesn’t really sound like the second speaker cares to listen.

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Essay #6

Jefferson Carpio

Professor Rosen

English 1101

November 22, 2011

construction behind the Brooklyn Bridge (Revised)

I believe that the Brooklyn Historical Society tour would
be better if the Brooklyn Bridge was a part of the tour. The Brooklyn Bridge
has so much history and it would have been great to visit it in the tour.
Columbus Park and The Promenade were one of the places visited in the walking
tour because of the history it has and how it is a big part of Brooklyn. But
the Brooklyn Bridge is also as much as important I believe than any other place
visited in the tour.  If the Brooklyn
Bridge was added to the walking tour yeah it could extend the time of the walk,
but it is really important to visit this place and to get to know about it. Everyone
learned a lot in the tour and received lots of information about Brooklyn
Heights during the tour but it would have been better if we did the same thing
with the Brooklyn Bridge. After doing lots of research and only getting the
really important stuff needed in my Research/ Persuasive paper I can talk to
you about why I strongly believe the Brooklyn Bridge should be part in the tour
and the history. The way I would do this is by talking about the construction
the reasoning behind why it was made and how long it has been part of Brooklyn.

The Brooklyn Bridge is what used
to be called the New York and Brooklyn Bridge.” It was officially given the
name “Brooklyn Bridge” by the city in 1915.” (Feininger Fact No.2). The bridge had changed its name to only Brooklyn Bridge.
“The Brooklyn Bridge officially opened to the public on May 24, 1883.” (Walker
Fact No.1). It was built 128 years ago making it really important in Brooklyn’s
history because of the time it has been standing. “The single greatest
wonderment of the Brooklyn Bridge is not its size, beauty, function or even
technology, but the fact that it was created by hand. When construction began,
neither the light bulb nor the telephone (nor the jackhammer) had been
invented. It is truly the Great Pyramid of bridges.” (Maher p.1). This showed
how the bridge was constructed by hand and how none of the objects named were
made yet. This bridge was made before light bulbs telephones or jackhammers
existed. I did not know about this before I did the research and I found it
cool how they were able to build the bridge without using these things. This is
something really interesting that could have been really good to learn of in
the tour. “John A. Roebling, the German civil engineer best known for the
design of the Brooklyn Bridge and the invention of wire-rope suspension, was
born in the city of Muhlhausen on June 12, 1806.” (Civil
Engineering Articles
p.1).  John A. Roebling
was the person in charge of the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge. “The
creator, famous bridge designer John A. Roebling, was perhaps one of the few
people who could have even dreamed of the practical possibility at the time,
and it was his invention of the wire rope that even made it possible.” (Maher
p.3). John A. Roebling was able to bring up this invention of his called the
wire rope which was great in building the bridge. “The fourteen year
construction took the lives of many men, killed the architect, and crippled his
son. It was construction on a scale that had never been done before, and
without some of the modern conveniences that we now take for granted.” (Maher
p.2).  Building the bridge cost lots of
people’s life’s because of how they did not have the utensils that are used now
to build bridges and do construction.

The reason behind the bridge being
built was because of the talk people had about connecting two cities. “Talk of
somehow bridging the East River began as early as 1800, when large bridges were
essentially dreams. The advantages of having a convenient link between the two
growing cities of New York and Brooklyn were obvious. But the idea was thought
to be impossible because of the width of the waterway, which, despite its name,
wasn’t really a river. The East River is actually a salt water estuary, prone
to turbulence and tidal conditions.” (McNamara
p.7). It was very difficult to make the bridge between lower Manhattan and Brooklyn
because no one had been able to come up with an idea to build the bridge like
the one of John A. Roebling. “Further complicating matters was the fact that
the East River was one of the busiest waterways on earth, with hundreds of
crafts of all sizes sailing on it at any time. Any bridge spanning the water
would have to allow for ships to pass beneath it, meaning a suspension bridge
was the only practical solution.” (McNamara p.8). Not only was the bridge built
to connect both cities but it had to be able to let ships pass beneath it
because of how the East river was the busiest river used for transportation. The
reason people wanting this bridge to be built was also to be able to get to the
other city faster and to have another way to get there which would help a lot
of people getting to their jobs on time because of traffic on the way.

Now I will talk about how long the
Brooklyn Bridge has been part of Brooklyn. “The Brooklyn Bridge Called the
“eighth wonder of the world” when it opened in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge
was the largest suspension bridge of its day. A tribute to American invention
and industry is also celebrated individual creativity and vision. German
immigrant John Roebling designed the 3,460-foot-long bridge, which he claimed
reflected “the perfect equilibrium of nature.” (Beal p.1). The Bridge
being part of Brooklyn for 128 years (1883-2011) shows that there is lots of
history behind it with the amounts of immigrants and new comers that have gone
by visiting the bridge because of how long it has been standing and the view
that you can have from the bridge. “The bridge itself is just above 6,000 feet
long and 270 feet tall and was designed by John Roebling to be six times
stronger than it needed to be. Because of this, the bridge is still standing
today, although it is only about four times stronger than it needed to be, due
to the inferior wire.” (Maher p.5) This explains why this particular bridge has
been standing for so long and how people put lots of hard work into making this
bridge as strong as it is.

In summary, the Brooklyn Bridge
should be added to the Brooklyn Historical Society tour because of the
importance it carries. Also because of how many people, like tourists love to
visit the bridge and walk through a bridge that has lasted for more than 128 years.
Another reason why is the fact of how people that built this bridge work hard
into building it and making it as strong as it is. The Brooklyn Bridge was one
of the first places that caught my attention when I just got to City tech for
the first time. I happened to walk the whole bridge and got to experience the
beautiful view from the bridge. So for anyone that has not yet gotten the
chance to visit the Brooklyn Bridge I advise you to do so I assure you that
you’ll like it.





Burns, Ken. “The
Brooklyn Bridge
.” Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Nov. 2011.

McNamara, Robert. “Building the Brooklyn Bridge.” Academic Search Complete. Web. 9
Nov. 2011.

Web. 20 Nov 2011.

Haw, Richard.  “The Brooklyn Bridge: A Cultural History.”
Books. 2005. 3-145 Print. 10 November 2011.

Maher, James. “Brooklyn Bridge,
New York History Articles.” Web. 20 November 2011.

Web. 22 November 2011. Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

Mar01, 1946

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Essay #6

Jefferson Carpio

Professor Rosen

English 1101

December 5, 2011

Reflection on Experience

This semester I have to say it has gone by great. I have learned
a lot on Brooklyn’s past and what it represents in Americas history. The way
classes started with going on a walking tour to BHS showed me a lot. This
walking tour was a great experience because of me being new to Brooklyn and it
being my first time in Brooklyn. Learning about the past of what went on in
Brooklyn showed me how Brooklyn was looked at by historians. BHS staff has done
a great job in talking about places that bring out the history of Brooklyn. The
assignments we have had to do on Brooklyn have helped many of us into learning
and in coming more in touch with the new environment that Brooklyn is for new
people into Brooklyn. I have enjoyed looking at documents and working together
in groups. There have been many essays we have had to write and also things we
have had to investigate. But I have to say that the essay I have enjoyed the
most in doing was essay number five because of how hard I worked on it and how
I liked writing about the first place I went to when I first came to City Tech.
Writing about the Brooklyn Bridge and doing research on it got me proud of
myself.  I personally believe that essay
five has been one of my best Essays written. This semester has been great in
getting everyone into becoming friends and teaching us about Brooklyn. I hope
in getting to learn even more on Brooklyn.

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Essay # 6-Alyssa Hernandez

Alyssa Hernandez

Did you ever take a walk around City Tech to see what was actually around the area? Well I was able to get that chance but you would think me being from Brooklyn that I would be quite familiar with the area, well I thought wrong, and if it wasn’t for Brooklyn Historical Society I would have probably never got the chance.

During our first couple of classes we went on a tour with BHS’s own Julie Golia who is one of their public historians and she showed us another side of Brooklyn that many of us don’t see because we are so used to our neighborhoods. I am so thankful that I was given this experience because I learned that not that far from City Tech there was a theatre that burnt down many many years ago. Not only did we go to BHS’s for a walking tour but we also got the chance to go inside of BHS and look at the archives. This part I really enjoyed because being able to look at old documents from the 18 and 1900’s was an amazing experience since I was able to work with archives in my high school. To be able to see how the people wrote, to see maps some which were even hand written. It shocks me to see how great they still looked. The most shocking map that stood out to me was the subway map from I believe they told us the 1970’s and this map looked liked it was all over the place. Comparing our maps of today to back then the maps of today our more detailed and clearer. Before I didn’t really pay attention to maps but after being able to see those old maps they became interesting to me to see how they looked and how some of them were hand drawn.

Our time with BHS made me realize that their is way more to just the parts of Brooklyn I know. I never knew that a lot of the homes around City Tech are land marked. And a funny thing we learned and seemed to steal the spotlight of the day were the boot scrapers on these land marked homes. Julie Golia explained to us how they were put there because back then horses were used to get around and as you may know they have a tendency to poop any where they please so the people back then before they would go into their homes they would use the boot scrapers to clean their shoes. I thought this was really interesting because you don’t see them on any new houses since my guess is we have cars and not horses on the street anymore. But its strange how the boot scrapers fascinated many of us.

After this semester I realized that now I look around more at houses while walking home and noticing their structure also I look at buildings more closer because they sometimes have on the corner the year they were built and it interest me to see these buildings are still around from all the way back then.


Land Marked: “an object (as a stone or tree) that marks the boundary of land”

Archives: ” a place in which public records or historical documents are preserved; also: the material preserved-often used in plural”

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Final exams today!

Although final exams began on Thursday, the finals for our learning commmunity begin today. At 11:30, you will take your SPE 1330 final exam. At 1:00, you will take Part I of your ENG 1101 final exam. Are you ready? Good luck!

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Professor Rosen!

Professor Rosen
I’m sorry for the delay but i am unable to get the essay to you today because of so many things are going on at once but i will have it to you tomorrow, that’s a guarantee.
Please reply to confirm this message.
Thank You
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Summary of “Texting Shorthand Annoys Purists and May Have Lasting Impact” by Seth Mydans

In his 2007 New York Times article, “Texting Shorthand Annoys Purists and May Have Lasting Impact,” Seth Mydans addresses what advocates and objectors have said about the effects of text-messaging on the English language. Text messaging presents an opportunity for language change, which some embrace as growth but others challenge or resist because they see it as a decline in standards. Mydans describes how texting has created its own vocabulary, drawing on acronyms (LOL for “laughing out loud”), homonyms (CUL8R for “see you later”), and abbreviations (MTFBWY for “may the force be with you”) of English words or phrases. These changes represent what Mydans calls “the realignment of spelling with sound,” a project luminaries such as George Bernard Shaw advocated. Here, words are spelled as they sound, such as thru instead of through. There has been some backlash, such as when New Zealand Parliament member Judy Turner expressed concern through texting language that schools, rather than allowing students to use that language on exams, should educate and raise literacy to certain standards, “Skoolz r ther 2 educ8 + raze litracy 2 certn standrds.” Mydans offers a counterpoint to Turner’s point, citing Denis Pyatt, a linguist and also a high-school principal in New Zealand, who explains that the English language is not in some pristine form that warrants protection from “alien incursions.” Instead, Mydans encourages others to learn Text Speak by using a translator,

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Essay #6

Post 1

Honestly till yesterday I never walked past the college campus. It was always from the train station to school from school to the train station, so when I heard about this walking tour around downtown Brooklyn and Brooklyn height didn’t call my attention much. Starting out the tour I was amazed I hadn’t even seen the back side of the college and to see that there was so much passed Jay Street was fascinating. I never thought that Brooklyn had so much history none the less the history t does have. Something that was interesting to have learned was about the fire that killed 300 people. How something like that has an effect on us, because of that fire in the theater we now have a certain limit of people that can occupy a space at one time. Something else that really called my attention was to learn that Brooklyn was its own city at a point in time, one of the largest cities in the country. Entering Brooklyn heights was like entering a different world. It was fascinating to see how things can change so much in a difference of a couple of steps. It was so different, so beautiful that I fell in love with the architecture of the houses it was breath taking. It was really interesting to see that they were in exactly the same condition that they were in the 1800’s, due to the fact that the area is landmark. Landmarked meaning that the area of Brooklyn Heights can not be changed in anyway on the outside. My favorite part of the walking tour was our stop at the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. The park was so beautiful and the view was simply amazing. Something that we learned that was also interesting was now that the exact beautiful park we were standing in was once the backyard of the homeowners who live near the Promenade Now that I took the tour I would really recommend it to other because I learned a lot of information that I’m sure isn’t in textbooks.

Post 2

On this visit to the Brooklyn Historic Society we got the opportunity to look at all different types of maps. Some of the maps that we took a look at were fairly recent but there were also some the date back to the 1800’s and maybe even further back. When we first got there to the library we were first thought how to read and understand what a map is showing us. We also learned that map have many different uses. We also got the to see the progression of maps thought out the years, how they became more modern with time. I found it so interesting how maps were used and even how they were made back in the 1800’s. After we saw the different type of maps, we were separated into groups to look at some other maps. The maps that were in the groups all range from different time eras. My group got to look at some maps that all had different purposes some showed streets of Brooklyn Heights and Downtown Brooklyn and others were subway maps. One of the maps that my group was a personal map of the Pierrepont family that was very simple no colors expect for the color green that represented trees and parks. Then we looked at a transit map that was one of the newer maps. Observing the maps we realized that the map had some lines that no longer exist but we also recognized some lines such as the 7 line in Queens and the F train the run from Queens into Brooklyn. The last map we looked at was a map of Downtown Brooklyn that showed all the commercial areas such as Fulton street. The map was the most modern, published in 2005 contain a map key that helps the person looking at the map located places on the map. I enjoyed this trip to the Brooklyn Historic Society I learned a lot about maps that I didn’t know before but can definitely use sometime in the future.



Not everyone in their first semester of college gets the opportunity like we had. This semester was one to remember. From the walking tour to what we learned in class is something we will all take with us and not ever forget. We started out the semester with the walking tour of Brooklyn heights and Downtown Brooklyn. From the walking tour I learned a lot. Something that I won’t forget that I learned on the walking tour was about the Brooklyn Heights Promenade. The story that Julie Golia shared with us that where we were standing once upon time was just simple backyards to the residents of Brooklyn Heights. Also that the Brooklyn Queens Expressway was supposed to cut straight thru Brooklyn Heights instead of around it like it does today. On our first official visit to the Brooklyn Historic Society we got the chance to learn about maps. All about how they were made, how much they cost, and how used it and how to read a map. We also show how throughout the years how maps have changed and became more modern. I really enjoy learning and interpreting maps in the library. It gave me the chance to really understand the change of Downtown Brooklyn and Even Brooklyn Heights. On the second visit to the Brooklyn Historic Society we looked at some different primary source documents. Some of the documents were diaries others were letter and we even got the chance to look at subway tickets for the long island railroad. I thinking looking at the tickets was the most interesting to me because I take the Long Island Railroad and to see how much it has changed in not only appearance but also in size. Over all the experience at the Brooklyn Historic Society Was an enjoyable. I not only had a good time I also learned along the way.



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Summary of “On the Trail of Brooklyn’s Underground Railroad”

FOR HOMEWORK: write this summary and share it by commenting on this post.

Main Ideas:

Brooklyn’s role in the Underground Railroad–places and people who helped fugitive slaves escape

Uses examples: Duffield Street houses, Plymouth Church, Weeksville

mock slave auctions at Plymouth Church

Beecher’s sermons

exit shaft of Duffield Street

Brooklyn’s harbor–role of ships

famous abolitionist visitors

date of publication: 10/12/2007

author: John Strausbaugh

source: New York Times

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BHS Reflection(Essay #6)

I found our work at the Brooklyn Historical Society to be very interesting. I found it to be a true learning experience. One of the things that I found somewhat interesting was our work with maps. Normally I wouldn’t find myself being interested in maps but the way that the maps were presented and explained to us made it interesting for me. The staff presented the material to us with enthuasim. They were also very interactive with us to ensure that we understood fully what we were looking at. Understanding the maps was also made easier when we were assigned to groups. In those groups we were shown all kinds of different maps. These kinds of maps include historical and manuscript maps. We were told when, where, why and how these maps are used and who uses them. We ourselves were taught how to use these maps. We discussed how the maps were made, who made the maps and what kinds of materials are used to make them. We also discussed the specific reasons as to why these maps have such historical value to the Brooklyn and the BHS.  One map in particular I remember analyzing was a map of the New York City subway system that was made in the 1940’s. I use the subway very often during the week so it was interesting to see the similiraties and differences between todays subway system and the subway system of the 1940’s. All of the interest from doing work at BHS leaves me hoping that one day I might get a chance to revisit it.

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