Guidelines for project:
- Report 2 Page
- Who is it for?
- Age, Demographics
- What design choices or usability choice did you make for your project based on Demographics?
- Age, Demographics
- What is it for?
- Teaching, Tool, Entertainment
- How are you going access if it is fun or a good teaching tool?
- Teaching, Tool, Entertainment
- Why does this need to exist?
- What goals will your project achieve
- When will it be used?
- Time, Place, Location
- Explain how Time, Place, Location, etc affect how your project is being used?
- Explain how specifically your project is affect by Time, Place, etc
- ie. Materials Used
- Sensors
- Time, Place, Location
- How Does it work? (Diagram)
- Who is it for?
- Present a 3D model of project
- top
- left
- bottom
- perspective
- Parts list
- Senors
- Components – Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, etc
- Materials List
- Wood, ABS, PLA, etc
- Fastening
- Screw types – Size
- Glues
- Sketches/Mood Board