Personal Philosophy

I believe in equality. This seems like a simple statement, but can be easily overlooked in the healthcare field. I believe all patients should be given equal care regardless of socioeconomic status, race, physical appearance, gender, age, sexual orientation, culture, and religious beliefs. As a nurse I am responsible not only for a patient’s physical care but also their psychological and emotional care. Being a nurse is providing holistic care for all. As a nurse I have a greater impact on a patient’s healthcare experience than other healthcare professionals. It is my responsibility as a nurse to be able to treat all people with equality because of my large role in their care.

All patients are in a time of need when they encounter a nurse. At this vulnerable time a patient requires care regardless of who they are. This is true for the Wall Street business man in a suit and tie and also true for the alcoholic homeless man who has been in the emergency room everyday for the past week. Both of these patients require my care and both will receive care equally from me.

In order to best provide quality care to all patients equally, I will constantly learn about others beliefs and cultures. I will accomplish this through education. I will take many different classes and seminars regarding race, gender identity, sexual orientation, and how to respect and understand different cultures. I will constantly strive to understand the ever changing public, to best provide quality healthcare to everyone equally. I will improve all patients’ outcomes and have them feel compassion, caring, and healing without discrimination or prejudice.