Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Media

active 10 years ago
Topics and Perspectives in Emerging Media
This Course is OPEN.
Entertainment Technology
Course Code
Semester / Year
Spring 2013
Course Description

This course provides an introduction to the study and analysis of emerging technologies and how this influences practical process. Students will examine how technologies have evolved historically as well as develop perspectives on they would best be used in the future. Major topics will include computing history, human-computer interaction, computers and culture, and the ethical and social implications of new technologies. In the lab component of the course, students will learn to employ methods of documentation currently in use at research institutions and in private industry in order to place research being done in a wider context.


This course was created by: Professor Adrianne Wortzel

This course has been cloned or re-cloned 1 time; view clone(s).

Recent Posts


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Recent Comments

Comment on "Private: Journal#6"

Funny thing is, Khory, your journals are GREAT!... Questioning methodology and finding out how you […] See MoreComment on "Private: Journal#6"

Comment on "Final Paper"

Rosa and Ian: This is Incredibly thorough and professional... very ambitious-covers every base. See MoreComment on "Final Paper"