Are You Professionally Prepared for Robots Taking Over Our World?

Computer Usage for Working Professionals — Robots are taking over our workplace. There is much to be learned in order to keep up with the growing world of computerized information in today’s digital age. Join me as we venture out together to learn the different essential things related with intermediate computer skills. In this pilot episode we explore the need for beginners to become intermediate users of computerized technology.

This podcast was created with the audience of beginners in computer-usage in mind. Because the Internet is vast, I have to also be aware of other people who may have interest in refreshing themselves on the types of material covered in this series. I have had to make some changes to the think piece essay so that the words flowed more easily, as though I am having a direct conversation with my audience. That is still in progress as I try to convert this technical-sounding podcast into one that sounds more inviting to the listener.

Changes I have made range from including an intro and outro to the think piece as it was originally written. This makes a listener feel at ease with tuning in and out of what they are listening to. Music also played a great part in that. With the aid of non-lyrical music, I was able to give the listener some space in recovering and processing what was just said. Fading in and fading out of music during this process helps to rid the podcast of harsh edges. There is some technical expertise which has to be invested towards a project of this sort. It isn’t the same as creating a ‘think piece’ on WordPress where you simply have to go on writing. A media such as a podcast needs some expert skills in order to appeal to the audience in the same sense that you wouldn’t want a physical audience getting tired of your speech.

8 thoughts on “Are You Professionally Prepared for Robots Taking Over Our World?

  1. AshleyA

    Hi Rownak! I like the effects you added throughout as well as your tone. Some changes that would improve your podcast is allowing the music to flow freely throughout the piece and speak directly to your audience. By making changes in how the music is integrated, the podcast will sound less harsh and flow smoothly.

  2. Jason W. Ellis

    Dear Rownak, This was a great production of your computer how-to podcast! I like how you incorporated some of the material that we discussed during the production process. Using the music as a bridge between content worked well for the most part, but you might clump more spoken parts together so that each musical bridge can be a few seconds longer rather than being very short (at least with this particular musical selection which had a repetitive beat that needs a few seconds to begin each time). Another recommendation would be to purposively slow down your speaking speed. I have trouble with this too when I give conference presentations. Being intentional with speaking each word slows down your speech so that your audience can follow what you say more easily. Good work! Best, Dr. Ellis

    1. Rownak Post author

      Thank you for your thorough feedback Dr. Ellis! I intend to make this podcast better with your guidance. I have a clearer idea of what needs to be worked on now! Thanks again!

  3. George Gordon

    Rownak, the podcast came out well, your speaking voice was in the same tone and level throughout.
    One thing that I would recommend is to work on the music, when you go to a pause, the music plays for a rapid burst and then immediately cuts back to your voice which creates this jarring sense of audio. Fading the music out would work much instead of cuts. The pauses also could be a bit longer, to allow the audience to process what you have just said and to allow the music to properly start and fade out between your sections. However, good job on the podcast, I liked the effects added onto the music at the end of the podcast.

  4. Christopher Navarrete

    Rownak,I like how your voice came out, it was clear and easy to understand. I also liked how you used music to signal pauses. I think your podcast can be improved by adding longer pauses as I felt they were too short. A good length would be around 5-10 seconds depending on if the paragraphs relate to one another. If possible, you can add another song that would go with your intro and outro. Doing this would let your audience know when the podcast is about to end.

    1. Rownak Post author

      Thanks a lot Chris! I appreciate the support that you and the other people in the class have shown me for the podcast! I think your music-timing idea is something I will definitely try to follow through on! Thanks again.

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