Project 7

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ENG2720 Writing with New Media Project 7: Collaborative Campaign Dr. Jason W. Ellis

For your final project, you will collaborate in a team of students to create a new media campaign that a problem that you identify around City Tech or Brooklyn. Together, you will select a single problem to solve with new media communication, design a plan for your campaign, and implement your plan individually by having each member take point on one form of new media designated in your plan.

The problem that your team selects must be real and it must be solvable through communication. This means that your solution should be educational, informational, and actionable, and your solution should be what fixes the issue itself.

Your new media campaign should not ask for support, money, or other external sources to solve the issue. The point of this assignment is to think about how new media communication can be leveraged to solve problems instead of simply supporting larger causes.

Throughout the process, you will report on your individual progress and how you each intend to connect your new media communications together. While each new media component of your campaign is maintained by a single team member who is responsible for that part of the project, it is all team members’ duty to coordinate and execute the campaign holistically—meaning, connecting the parts and implementing your project’s rollout or execution are done according to your collaboratively established plan.

Your team will create one blog post on our OpenLab site to collect all of your work in one place. Your team’s blog post should include these things divided with section headings and horizontal lines:

  • A good title that captures the essence of the problem and your new media campaign to solve it.
  • 250-word description of the problem that you identified and how your new media campaign is meant to solve this problem. Include all team member’s names.
  • Link to your uploaded collaborative proposal and schedule for the project. File type must be PDF.
  • Title, brief description, and link to each member’s new media component of the campaign.
  • Link to each team member’s uploaded individual reflection essay of 250 words explaining their component of the project, how they use the affordances/constraints of the medium selected, and how it connects to and supports the other elements of the campaign. File type must be PDF.Your schedule will be designed by you on the first day of the project. The only set date is the date your project comes due and will be presented by you during a 10-20 minute presentation with all team members talking about the project overall and each member’s individual contribution. The final due date is Tuesday, May 17. The final due date is Thursday, May 19.