A little about me

Photo was taken at Far Rockaway during a Muay Thai competition on the board walk.

Photo was taken at Far Rockaway during a Muay Thai competition on the board walk.

Hey guys, I’m Brian but most people just call me by my last name (Rubio or Roobs). I’m in my 3rd year here at City Tech studying Advertising and Design. My goals are to have my own apparel company, Art Director, or do branding. My hobbies are mainly staying active; I am a martial artist with a concentration in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I’ve been practicing these arts for about 3yrs now and train about 6 days a week. Over the summer I did a little traveling to Florida and Upstate New York. For winter vacation I stayed local mostly but did take a weekend trip to Philly.

I can say I am a creative writer, although I don’t do it often. I really do not enjoy reading I feel like I can learn things quicker and easier by listening. My favorite type of readings are usually articles that are very straight forward and easy to understand. All my life I’ve been into technology. No matter what type or what it’s for, I find it all interesting. I don’t know anything about utopias or dystopias, this class would be the first time I really get an understanding of the concept of both. This class is required for my degree. The only thing I hope to gain from this class is something useful in the real world. I feel most classes are by the books and don’t really prepare students for the outside world.

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