Deven G. – Archive for ‘Interference Archive’ in Gowanus

On November 30, my classmates and I met with Mike Clemow at the Interference archive located at Gowanus, Brooklyn. We discussed many things in regards to podcasts, such as, the difficulty in production. According to Mike, it would take nearly a week to produce and edit a 20 minute podcast. He also mentioned how podcasts and radio stations are different. Where as in a radio station, there is no main topic of discussion, it is just a broadcast that keeps the listener entertained for long periods of time, whether it is with a short discussion, or even music. In contrast to a podcast, there are discussions that can go on for a long period of time but will always come to a conclusion. Lastly, at the interference archive, there were many books and articles that all were used in podcasts. One thing that caught my attention was the ‘Occupied Wall Street’ section of the library.

In this section of the library, there are dozens of newspapers, articles, messages, posters, and even books surrounding the facts and opinions of the ‘occupied wall street’ strike that took place in New York in 2015. This is interesting because it drew me back to that important event that took place and allowed me to learn much more. These posts were also used as references for podcasts discussions which is makes it more interesting because things that are being said in the podcasts isn’t gibberish.


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