
I am taking this Graphic Design course because I have never taken any art or design classes and feel like I can improve my overall art and design skills and learn how to apply them in real life. My goal is to learn the basic concepts of graphic design, so that I can improve my knowledge  of composition , craftmanship and have a better focus on what I’d like to make. I hope that by the end of this class I will be creating things that look much cleaner, more focused and in a way that makes it clear for the audience to understand my perspective & thought process.

I find that a lot of tattoo art is very inspiring. One of my favorite shops – BangBangNYC has a lot of great artists in the Lower East Side. Aside from having it’s own special meaning for the tatted person, it can open up dialogue or social connections to others that may have not connected to otherwise. Other things that inspire me are Interior design, self-sustainable lifestyles, accessible healthcare and community organization.

My preferred design process is spontaneous and usually starts with illustrated sketches on whatever paper is nearby when ideas come up (napkins, newspaper, lined paper…)
I like to work with smaller notebooks. I use mostly pilot pens and use spit to smudge, fill in, shade and/or color. Most of the time my design process is spontaneous, and planned when there is a drink n draw on my calendar.


I would really be interested in collaborating on creating tattoo designs, skate decks and types (short, long, short/long…), interior design related things ( prints, layout planning and multi-use furniture).



