Assignment #4

Vanessa Gallego             Assignment #4

ARCH 1121

Prof. Zagaroli

The Metropolitan Cathedral of Medellín is the largest church in South America, it’s a neo-Romanesque style church. The circulation throughout the church can be made on either side of the church and in the middle. The Cathedral was built in the site of Plaza de Villanueva which was renamed Parque Bolivar after the land was donated to the city by Moore. The materials that were used to construct this church was adobe bricks 1,120,000 to be exact.Throughout the whole church there’s paintings and sculptures devoted to the Catholic religion also it has a small religious museum consisting of four rooms it reportedly includes about 40 paintings. The church has a total of 76 stained-glass windows that lets adequate amount of light. The organization that is more prominent is the linear and the grid organization because of the walls and the seating system. The Lines of the walls going horizontal and vertical all meet up to make a grid and linear organization system.

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