Assignment #4

Navdeep Kaur 

Arch 1121

Assignment 4


My building I chose was the Taj Mahal which was designed by Ustad Ahmad Lahouri. The first item I chose from the Firmitatis list was materials. According to, the Taj Mahal was created using sandstone and marble. The majority of the exterior is actually made out of marble “which they used elephants to transport it on”. The Taj Mahal also had some crystals that they got from other countries. The second item I chose was from the utilitatis list and it was cost. Emperor Shah Jahan had created this building for one of his wives, so he was pretty wealthy. That being said, this building is very expensive, you can probably imagine because even now real Marble is pretty expensive. According to it cost “32 crore rupees…in today’s currency is more than $200 million dollars.” Lastly from the venustatis list , I chose form/shape. The Taj Mahal is a very symmetrical building. The “base” is a square building then on top of it, it has a huge dome on top of it. Then in the center there is an Arch as a main entrance. Looking at CHing’s organizational systems, I would say it is a centralized organization. That is because there aren’t many buildings or structures near it at all. They are pretty far away and it is actually right near a bunch of trees and a river. 


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