Unfortunately I’m Matthew Zagada, a student at New York City College of Technology majoring in Advertising and Graphic Design. I expect to graduate in May 2014.
All my mistakes, success, and overall experience is what makes me the mess that I am today. Born and raised in New York City, life has always been fast paced. Being a New Yorker means constantly struggling to complete short term daily goals. Like getting to work via train without someone pulling the emergency brakes. I am always on edge, and it makes deadlines very serious to me.
My fathers side of the family has always been known for their creative intelligence. I just call them The Right Brainers. As early as I could remember, I was thrown into a pre-k art school and had a major focus in fine arts from middle school through high school. I’ve worked for printing firms, clothing companies, and graphic design firms. I am currently working for Nike in Manhattan.
If there’s any questions or suggestions, feel free to get in contact with me at MatthewZagada@gmail.com. Unless you’re my mom, feel free to call.
My online portfolio can be viewed on my Behance
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