Hello, Everyone!

My name is Yue Yu and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce myself as a dedicated dental hygiene student. With a fervent passion for oral health and a commitment to providing exceptional patient care, I am excited to embark on this journey toward becoming a proficient and compassionate dental hygienist.

Background: Originally from China, I have always been fascinated by the intricate workings of the human body, particularly the mouth. This fascination, coupled with a desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives, led me to pursue a career in dental hygiene.

Passion for Patient Care: One of the aspects of dental hygiene that resonates with me the most is the opportunity to build meaningful relationships with patients and empower them to take control of their oral health. I firmly believe in the importance of preventive care and patient education as key pillars of dental hygiene practice, and I am dedicated to ensuring that every individual I encounter receives personalized attention and compassionate care.