How do I identify myself? A true-blooded Chinese man born in China but raised in America. I have a deep appreciation for Chinese culture, its language and its roots. I try to stay true to my roots but it is difficult. I dream of returning to my birthplace, a rural village with fields and farm animals. I sometimes reminisce of what little memories I have regarding that place. I lived in a stone home, I think it was cement, with our only technology being a TV. It was simple yet fulfilling.
I am now Americanized and can never return to those times. To travel to a place with limited internet connectivity is daunting . I can’t even speak fluent Chinese anymore. I speak with an American accent which people would react similarly to if you were to hear a Chinese immigrant speak poor English, pitying and ridiculing them. This identity crisis is, to say the least, exhausting.
Then I come upon this show, From Here to There. What is this? Why does this resonate with me? Why am I frustrated with the fact that even though I can speak Cantonese I still have to read the English subtitles? In fact, the host, Andrew Ryan, speaks the language better than I do! These were my initial questions and thoughts for this show.
Then, I began to relax myself as I see the countryside of Taiwan. My grandparents have told me about there, windy, green, and full of life. Ah, a moment of peace. I admit to closing my eyes a little to drift into my memories and had to rewind and watch the part I missed.
This show portrays the Taiwanese sights, people and culture. Although this is different from my roots in Hong Kong, they still resonate with me. What is it about this show that does such? The host with blindness shows that even a disability does not hinder one to experience Taiwan. The other host speaks fluent Cantonese even though he is not Asian. It is a journalistic documentary of their adventures into the hidden treasures of the country that not many can see and experience whether it be the food, the people, the sounds, the sights, etc. Those that have lost their roots and/or wish to understand the great value that a small village or town can provide should give this show a chance.