Blog Post : A Destroyed Man

After many hours, writing, revising, designing, realigning, proofreading, siting, destroying and rebuilding my work, I’m done. Having to write a blog post about my gruesome and tiring experience with this assignment has got to be somewhat sadistic right?

If there’s anything that I’ve learned from this experience is yet another perspective in which I fail at writing. Following the template for essay writing, namely the 5 paragraph model, I would usually start writing the introduction first. What is the introduction? It introduces an idea or opinion. How can you possibly have that without any facts? In previous writings, I’ve placed the opinion before the facts when it really should be the other way around. Only when you view facts and credible sources can you actually develop an opinion about them. Here I’ve developed a new approach to writing that will most definitely help me in the future. I just wish it didn’t cost me hours of sleep and cups of coffee.

“But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” – Ernest Hemingway

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