Starting at my internship and my role there

Employee Onboarding

After hearing back from the company in Manhattan and weighing my options between the Manhattan company and the non profit, I decided that working at the company in Manhattan would provide me with more learning opportunities and also a chance to see my designs created in a live environment in Manhattan. My official role is Graphic Design intern and I will be creating graphics for three of their campaigns that is happening throughout the Fall and Winter which are It’s Time for Chelsea, Shop the Village, and Safe City Safe Streets.

As was explained to me during the interview process, the company in Manhattan basically works to help business in Greenwich Village and Chelsea generate more business by coming up with campaigns and events to help lure consumers to those neighborhoods. They have been around for 70 years to help businesses in that regard. I had saw this position online on Indeed and applied there because I thought it would look good on my resume working at an organization with an established background.

This week was just a onboarding meeting where my supervisor introduced me to my other coworker. We were given details on how to login to the Dropbox and Google Drive which would give us access to all their assets that we would need in order to get started. We also were given access to their Slack and given instructions on how to navigate the app. I asked questions to my supervisor on what times were best to reach her and if we would be given instructions at the beginning of each week as to what would be needed to be done. After all our questions were answered and I had my supervisor fill out all the necessary forms to start the internship, I was told that work would begin the next day. I spent work that week just familiarizing myself with the companies file structures and looking over the description of the event so I would better understand how to design for it.

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