Self Reflection

At this point in time, I am nearing the end of my internship. These 2 months that I spent working at my workplace has been very informative as to how I should expect my future workplaces to be like. This internship has been one of two times that I have been given close to free rein on how to design project deliverables so that has been invaluable experience. At the end of the day, I have no idea how my evaluation will go but I can honestly say that I put all my effort into this internship.

One thing that I managed to gain from this internship was more knowledge on how to use Indesign and Illustrators as well as learning to grab certain images from websites. As the majority of the work I was doing revolved around creating social media ad for businesses, I had to quickly research how to pull certain images from the business’s website. There are images that are on the business website that seem to at first be un-downloadable, but thanks to my ability to look up information on the internet, I have learned how to download certain logos that only exist as a type svg. This information will help me later on when I need to pull a logo from a website later on in my career. Also my knowledge of using the Indesign and Illustrator has increased just because I had to use it everyday for work.

This internship was definitely pretty high pressure with a ton of work that needed to be done. However, I knew that going into the internship and I also knew that I could handle that kind of workload. I am grateful for this opportunity to work in a real workspace with project dead lines and grateful for the opportunity to see my design work being produced and shown in Manhattan. I can only hope that adding these works to my portfolio will strength it and give me a fighting chance of getting a job as a Junior Graphic Designer when I graduate.

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