Assignment 0: Syllabus Notes & Question

By the time we Zoom on Monday morning at 11a, I want you to carefully read ourĀ  course syllabus.Ā  Be especially careful in reading the ā€œCore Course Assignments & Grading Sectionā€ (from the bottom of p. 1 to the top of page 3).

After reading, write a response below (shared as a COMMENT), in which you

A) list at least 10 core course assignments and the % of the final grade for each, and…

B) pose 1 question you have about the syllabus, to be discussed in our Zoom call.

0. Welcome / OpenLab Setup

Hey everyone,

Welcome to the course.Ā  Now let’s get setup (be forewarned: bc this is an online coures, there is *a lot* of setup to be doneā€”please be patient with this process and read carefully!).Ā  Luckily for you, I’ve prepared for you a CityTech Online Setup “Bible.” < — go here and begin (or just scroll down)!

Monroe (a.k.a. Professor Street, but you can call me “Monroe”ā€”or whatever you’d like; just don’t “call me” an hour after an assignment is due asking how to do it šŸ˜‰

City Tech Online OL Course Setup “Bible”

The following are instructions for doing everything you need to do to complete the required online work for this course.Ā  Please read everything carefully and donā€™t forget to go all the way to the bottom (the last step is CRUCIAL).

HOW TO SET UP CITY TECH E-MAIL & OPENLAB (Required to pass this course!)

EMAIL SETUP (Required to join course on OpenLab):
Look up your email address here. (Usually itā€™s
Go to the CT Email Login Page. Enter your email address (above) and password (below).
At first your CT PASSWORD is: First initial of first name UPPERCASE + first initial of last name lowercase + MMDDYYYY + last 4 of your EMPL ID

HELP? See: Guide to getting your City Tech e-mail activatedĀ  // First-Year Student Guidebook

Email: // Phone: 718-260-4900

Video: Getting Setup with CT Email and OpenLab

OPENLAB SETUP (Yesā€¦ Required for this Course)
Create an OpenLab Account (use your CT email if you have it; if you donā€™t, see below)
Check your CT email for verification code to login to OpenLab with.
Join this course by clicking here, then clicking ā€œJoin Courseā€
Go to main course site here and begin clicking everywhere to explore!

HELP? See: Guide to setting up an OpenLab accountĀ and then sign up for this course here.
If you donā€™t have CT Email working, email the OpenLab HelpDesk for help

HOW TO SHARE YOUR WORK ON OPENLAB (Required, as usual… šŸ™‚

Video: Sharing work on OpenLab as a COMMENT (you will do this for ALL assignment EXCEPT Essay 1 and Essay 2ā€”for those assignments see below video on POSTING)
Video: Sharing Essays on OpenLab as a POST (ONLY do this when posting your Essay 1 and your Essay 2; do NOT do this with all other assignments)

Create a Google Drive folder (with link-sharing enabled)Ā for sharing Essay drafts and otherĀ assignments with me (if you don’t have a Google account, I apologize, but you’ll have to create one of those first).
–> Please NAME YOUR FOLDER using your LAST NAME and the COURSE (e.g., my last name is Street, so I’d title my folder “Street_ENG92”)

–> see: create a folder // –> see: move a file or a folder

How to Create a Google Doc

How to Upload a Document from your device to your Google Folder

How to Create/Change the Name/Title of a Google Doc
–> Please name each Google Doc according to the assignment (e.g., for one of your second article summary, you’d title the document “Summary 1”; for your first draft of the Essay 1 assignment, you’d name the document “Essay 1 Draft 1”; for your final draft of the same essay, you’ll name the document “Essay 1 Final Drat”)

TO SUBMIT YOUR PORTFOLIO FOR MY REVIEW (psstā€¦ required to pass!)
Make sure youā€™ve shared your Google Folder with ā€œAnyone who has the Linkā€
Copy your Google Drive folder link/URL
Fill in your info on this Contact/Info form I need you to complete; paste your Google Folder Link at the end.


Quoting Using SIgnal Verbs Exercise

Read the following PDF on how to use signal phrases to introduce quotations from an article.Ā  Then, practice using signal phrases using quotes from our assigned readings.Ā  Below, introduce 1 quote that you agree with (use the signal verb phrases for ā€œagreeingā€) and 1 quote that you disagree with (use the signal verb phrases for ā€œdisagreeingā€).

Grammar & Paragraphing Assignment

For those of you looking for extra help with grammar and mechanics (how to build sentences, a paragraph, an essay), I’ve compiled the below assignment.Ā  Please respond with your work as a comment under this post.

1–Read this guide on Subject-Verb agreement; pay particularly close attention to #3-4.Ā  Write 10 sentences modeled on the examples in #3-4 (with abstract nounsā€”ideas, percentages, etc.–as the subjects of your sentences).Ā  Please do 5 sentences with singular subjects (1 of the thing/idea–e.g. The assumption was limiting…) and 5 sentences with plural subjects (noun phrases designating more than 1 of the thing/idea–e.g., The assumptionsĀ were limiting…)

2–Read & do the exercises in this document on linking ideas using transition words.

3–Read this guide on how to form a paragraph using a controlling idea.Ā  Write a well-developed paragraph explaining your thoughts on what you think the 3 main elements of police brutality are (according to YOU.