Week 2

LECTURE  PDF in Course Files

  • Class Presentations & Review Last Week
  • Discuss the Reading Nuts & Bolts Ch 1
  • Guest Speaker: Steven Harris

  • Lecture

  1. Idea Generation – Discus Jillian Tamaki Reading
  2. Who’s Who in Illustration REVIEW
  3. Typical Illustration Workflow
  4. Illustration Heroes Research Assignment
  • IN CLASS RESEARCH: Create a Google Doc to track the information you learn from researching your Illustration Heroes.


  1. Illustration Heroes Google Doc  (See Below

  2. Write a Blog post on the following: Relate YOUR personal Style and Influences to the illustrators you have researched.   Show images of Your work as well as theirs and help us to understand where there are commonalities. 
  3. If you didn’t last week, please Read Yuko Shimizu: Visual Vocabulary
  4. Continue your Sketchbook.  Play with Personal Style and imagery .   Consider what kind of work you’d like to be hired to make.  DRAW THAT.
  5. Read: Inside the Business of Illustration by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman, CH2 Style.
  • If you have not already done so, Join the OPENLAB & share your EPortfolio.


Create a Google Doc to track the information you learn from researching these illustrators. Include things like:

  • Client List
  • Art Directors
  • Markets they work in (Books (Children’s, Sci-Fi, etc., Editorial Illustrations, Advertising)
  • Specific Themes or Subjects they are known for (Political, Dark, Sports,Etc.)
  • Specific Techniques? Hand Lettering for example

Hello & Welcome!

Welcome to Advanced Strategies in Illustration!

This class will be a combination of lectures, guest speakers, and studio work.  We will be drawing in class every time we meet, so DO NOT COME TO CLASS WITHOUT YOUR MATERIALS. We have 15 sessions together, and many issues to cover.

On this site you will have access to materials presented in class, assignments, readings and additional helpful resources.  Here you will also post your work in progress to share with your classmates.

Carefully read the directions in the UPLOADING INSTRUCTIONS POST on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio.

— Happy Drawing!

Week 1


  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Discuss our illustration Goals
  3. Go over Syllabus

  4. Introduction to Sketchbook Practice.

  5. Discuss Class Structure

  6. Introduction to Professional Practices and Time Management.



  1. Set your Personal Schedule for SPRING 2020.  

  2. Bring Examples of Your Personal Style, & Illustration Influences. 
  3. Read Yuko Shimizu: Visual Vocabulary
  4. Begin your Sketchbook.  Consider areas of knowledge or passion.  What do you see in your daily life?  What is unique about your voice?
  5. Read: Nuts & Bolts A blueprint for a successful illustration career. Part 1- Respond in Course Discussion.
  • Join the OPENLAB & share your EPortfolio.
  • READ ALL instructor posts.  Be sure to comment.