Inside the Business of Illustration – Promotion

WEEK 3 reading:


(and more in the future … in case you want to buy it.)


Inside the Business of Illustration

Chapter  3 Promotion
Discuss the Chapter as as a group in our DISCUSSION.


  • You will find the discussion under MENU> COURSE PROFILE > DISCUSSION
  • You will find a PDF of the chapter under MENU> COURSE PROFILE > FILES

Jillian Tamaki on Idea Generation

Please Take a look at the work of Illustrator and Cartoonist Jillian Tamaki.

Read and Discuss Jillian Tamaki, Idea Generation

In a short post discuss the article.  Consider questions like:

What are Concepts?  What methods does Jillian Tamaki use to generate hers?

What are the specific steps she takes?

Do you have other methods unique to your process?


Be POLITE!  Be sure to read each other’s observations BEFORE posting your own.

Nuts & Bolts: A blueprint for a successful illustration career

Our first reading of the semester will be from:


Nuts & Bolts: A blueprint for a successful illustration career Kindle Edition

Please Read the First Chapter and be prepared to discuss the Chapter as a group next week.  You will find a PDF of the chapter under MENU> COURSE PROFILE > FILES
PLease PURCHASE this book as we will use it several times as a reference for the course. 

Visual Vocabulary

This short excerpt from Yuko Shimizu‘s blog post considers the importance of developing a unique visual vocabulary. After reading this article, consider how you can use your sketchbook as a tool to developing your own visual vocabulary.  What are your areas of knowledge, passion, or curiosity?


“ I believe many of you who are reading my blog are aspiring illustrators. If you are, here is something you may want to remember, or to work on, if your art school instructors haven’t taught you already: we have to be remembered by something we are good at, so when a prospective client sees a topic that needs to be illustrated, they know who to call.


The most obvious themes prospective clients think of in connection with my work are Japanese or Chinese themes. I am Japanese, but I had also studied Cantonese for three years, and I have strong interest in Chinese culture. And people somehow see that in my work. There are other themes, like sexy girls, action and sports, comic-book look, snow, and water and underwater themes.”


What kind of things are you interested in drawing?

What visuals might become important visual signatures for you?