Exercise Week One

This week’s Exercise is… Meet the Artist!

Create a meet the artist page for yourself in your Sketchbook! Look on Instagram or fb for #meettheartist and then design a meet the artist page to introduce yourself.  You may use any media and style you feel is appropriate!  You may choose to include any information about yourself you wish.

Meet the artist Q
Meet the artist IraMeet the artist Piccolo

Post your #MeetTheArtist along with a SHORT PARAGRAPH introducing yourself and a PHOTO of your WORKSPACE.



Write your post. Add a Descriptive title.

Click ADD MEDIA (top left side) to insert images.  Be sure to fill in the image description.

Choose CATEGORY (bottom right side): EXERCISES


Hello & Welcome!

Welcome to Introduction to Illustration!  This course is a hands on introduction to the field of illustration. Our goal in this course will be to give you the professional tools used by illustrators working today as well as to cultivate your personal vision or voice as an illustrator.

On this site you will have access to materials presented in class, assignments, readings and additional helpful resources.  Here you will also post your work in progress to share with your classmates.

Carefully read the directions in the UPLOADING INSTRUCTIONS POST on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio.

— Happy Drawing!