Trip to Society of Illustrators

On this particular trip, I was able to come into contact with the work of Orson B. Lowell titles ,”Poor old Thing! Strange That His Case Has Never Been Correctly Diagnosed”. Its first publication had occured in Life Magazine on June 27th, 1907 and its republication in ,”Men , Women and Mirth” Life Publishing company, 1909. In this particular illustration it is shown on the old man’s head the continents of the world and that represents how the world viewed the females education during that time. It is also shown that the female in the illustration isn’t about to give the old man a pill proving or showing them that they have not yet adjusted to the new roles that women have acquired. Research conducted had shown that in the 19th century female started to abandon the typical womanly duties such as mother Lee things and house rules and started to pursue law and Medicine. Also during that time a lot of drugs that were ineffective or evening potentially dangerous to one’s health we’re being distributed to the General Public. And these drugs were even patent. Lowell was trying to convey that also within this particular cartoon. Airplane shows that in this particular illustration that Lowell paid close attention to detail. The amount of fixing things that were used to display contrast as well as the different that went into every tiny detail especially the continents on the old man’s head. Even the women’s dress has an amazing amount of of detail taking into consideration the careful miss that is needed in order to display the curves and the ripples in the dresses of that time.

This picture stuck out to me particularly because of the value. It plays very well in using the almost darkest and the almost lightest. Also the scene itself is a marvelous one. Also it looks very much so like an area that you could travel to.