Exercise 1: Value Scales & Rendered Form and 3 Value Studies

Exercise 1:  Using a soft graphite pencil, create a value scale as pictured below, then try rendering a simple form to represent lighting and dimensionality using only value. Lastly try shading 3 different value studies for Assignment 1.


First: In your sketchbook do a drawing with a Value Scale of a sphere. 

Create a simple value scale such as the one at the bottom of the study below. Find a cube and a sphere to light and draw. Do a value study from observation. Set up a simple form and a light source. Try to “turn the form” or create volume by using the values in the scale you created.


  • Be sure to use the full range of values.
  • Allow 30 minutes for the drawing and 30 minutes for the value scale. Take your time.



USING your Value Scale as reference.  Create 3 different Value Studies of Assignment 1.

If you are UNPREPARED FOR CLASS and clan’t shade your OWN WORK… here is a value shading Exercise to get you started.




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