7th Journal Entry

Week 7

This week I Started working on the Company Business Card. My Boss want me to redesign our company business card. Here is the original.

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so far I just have one solution for the back. Here is my design. I incorporated The logo and the light bulk sign element together. The background I still kept up with colorful palette because I was told to do so. Compare to the original one, I use color overlapping to create some sort of shape effect instead of just giving a gradient.




I stopped by here because I had to create product for client. A seafood restaurant named Flaming want us to make a light box for promotion. They want to have crab leg without a dish, and the rest will leave to me to make it interested. When I get the source image of a crab leg, I think it seems like a swimming octopus. I try to add a sea background and create some bubbles to make visual interests. I rotate the leg to make it more dynamic. I create a white stroke for the crab leg making it more pop up as main subject.



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